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Equipment leasing tax benefits for Canadian businesses

Discover the tax benefits of equipment leasing for Canadian businesses. Learn how this financing option can help you get the equipment you need.
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Equipment leasing is becoming an increasingly popular financing option for Canadian businesses. This method allows them to obtain the vehicles and machinery they need without having to pay the full price up front. Instead, they pay regular payments for a set period of time. There are many tax benefits related to this financing method.

In this post, we will look at the tax benefits of equipment leasing in Canada.

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Tax deductions

One of the main reasons companies choose to use equipment leasing is that they can take advantage of tax deductions. Payments for this type of financing can be considered an operating expense, which means they can be deducted from the company's taxable income. This can significantly reduce the tax burden.

Avoid high investment costs

When a business purchases equipment, it must pay the full upfront price. This can be a significant financial burden, especially for small and medium-sized businesses with limited budgets. Leasing allows companies to reduce their upfront cost, which can allow them to invest in other areas.

Initial payment

In many cases, an initial payment is required when purchasing equipment or goods. However, with leasing, it is possible to reduce or even eliminate the down payment. In fact, unlike a standard loan or purchase, it is common to have no down payment or a much smaller down payment. This can be a significant advantage for businesses that need cash for other expenses.

Access to state-of-the-art equipment

Companies that use leasing can have access to state-of-the-art machinery and vehicles without having to purchase them. The latest and greatest equipment can be very expensive to acquire, but it can be financed at a more affordable cost. This can help businesses stay current with the latest technology and improve operational efficiency.


Leasing can also offer greater flexibility. Leases can be tailored to the specific needs of the project, such as contract length and payments. This can help companies manage cash flow more efficiently and adapt to economic fluctuations.

Redemption options

At Fincap, there is always a purchase option at the end of the leasing period. This means that the company can purchase the equipment at a pre-agreed price. This option can be useful for those who use vehicles and machines that have a longer life span, or who simply want to own them at the end of the period of financing.

Improved borrowing capacity

Leasing can help firms improve their borrowing capacity. Because monthly payments are considered an operating expense rather than debt, firms can have a lower debt-to-equity ratio. This can make it easier to get loans in the future. Lenders are often more willing to give you a loan if you have a lower debt-to-equity ratio.

How do you find the best equipment leasing service for you?

When looking for the best leasing service for your project, it is important to consider several factors. Here are some steps to follow to find the best service.

Assess your needs

Before you start looking for a leasing service, it's important to assess your company's equipment needs. What machines or vehicles do you need? How long do you need to use them? What is your budget for repayment payments? These questions can help you determine what type of equipment you need to finance and for how long.

Research existing services

Once you have determined your needs, you can begin to research the services available. There are many equipment leasing services available in Canada, so it is important to do your research to find the right one for your business. It is very important to find an experienced financier, such as Fincap, who specializes in equipment leasing in your industry, so that you can find the best financing solution for your project.

Check the reputation of the services

Before choosing a leasing service, it is important to check its reputation. You can check online reviews and ratings to see if the service is reliable and professional. You can also ask for references from previous customers to see if they were satisfied with the service.

Evaluate leasing offers

Once you've identified a few leasing services, you can start evaluating their offerings. Compare the terms and conditions of each offer to determine which one best suits your equipment needs and budget. Make sure you understand all the fees and costs associated with each financing offer.

Check out the additional services offered

In addition to leasing, companies can also offer very advantageous complementary services. For example, at Fincap, we offer complementary solutions such as refinancing, loan insurance, factoring, among others. 

Negotiate the terms of the contract

Once you have identified the leasing service that best suits your needs, you can begin negotiating the terms of the contract. Make sure you understand all the terms and conditions of the contract, including the length of the financing, monthly payments and any associated fees. Don't hesitate to negotiate the terms of the contract to ensure you get the best deal possible.

By following these steps, you can find the best equipment leasing service for your business. It's important to do thorough research, evaluate financing offers, check the reputation of the leasing service, and negotiate the terms of the contract to ensure you get the best deal possible and are able to finance the equipment you need to grow your business. Leasing is a great option for businesses, as it allows them to acquire expensive machinery or vehicles without having to pay a large sum of money at once. By finding the best service, you can maximize the tax benefits of this financing option while saving money in the long run.

Need to finance your equipment through leasing?

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In conclusion, leasing can offer many tax advantages to Canadian businesses. Tax deductions, avoidance of high upfront capital costs, reduced maintenance costs, access to state-of-the-art equipment, flexibility, buy-back options, improved borrowing capacity and risk management are all reasons why firms choose to use this method of financing. It is important for firms to weigh the pros and cons of this financing method before making a decision, but for many businesses, leasing is an attractive and cost-effective option for acquiring the equipment they need to run their business.

It's also important to take the time to research and evaluate different leasing options to find the one that's right for you. Don't be afraid to ask questions and ask for referrals to ensure you are working with a reliable and professional service. Ultimately, choosing the best financing service for you can help you achieve your goals for long-term growth and success.

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